Sunday, August 19, 2007

Democrats Goldilocks Candidate

Karl Rove has spent this past week issuing multiple attacks on Hilary Clinton. ( The questions about his attacks are:
1. Do the Republicans really fear her candidacy and believe that early attacks are the best thing they can do to start their campaign?
2. Is Karl Rove pointing out Hilary’s vulnerability to Democrats, in the hope they will vote for another candidate, because they know she is the strongest candidate?
3. Perhaps Karl Rove is making these attacks now as a favor to his friend George W. Bush because he has said he won’t be involved in the upcoming campaign and these are his parting shots.

Most Democrats know that a controversial candidate could enable the win for the Republican. So do Dems need Karl Rove’s help in selecting their candidate for president? The answer is No! I believe Karl is involving himself in the Democratic primary to influence the outcome.

Hilary is a controversial candidate. She is also one of the smartest candidates. She engenders passion. She is not a Goldilocks candidate. That passion will translate into a hard charging group of men and women who will provide the power needed to win the presidency.

If Democrats really want a Goldilocks candidate they need look no farther than Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson. However, history tells us that Dems do pick controversial candidates to run for president. Unless they do something really stupid, one of the three leading candidates will be the Democratic nominee. I would bet on Hilary.

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