Saturday, August 25, 2007

Securing America

Every few months I review my emergency supplies that I have put away for a catastrophic event that renders my home uninhabitable. I have two portable cases stored on the side of the house that hold non perishable foods, blankets and sleeping bags, a crank radio and flashlight, cooking and eating utensils along with a small propane stove, and a first aid kit. Additionally I have 15 gallons of water stored in a shed and an old propane barbeque.

I recently watched that terrible classic movie "The Day After” starring Jason Robards. “The Day After, a dramatization of the effects of a hypothetical nuclear attack on the United States…” That movie is nothing short of frightening. It was shown on ABC and could easily be called a movie prepared by today’s liberals. It was extreme because the story told of total devastation of the entire country. Still there was a real part to this story. After all who could have foretold 9-11? If that could happen couldn’t the events of “The Day After” happen too?

Our President projects his desire to protect America. He has not yet closed our borders to an invasion. Only next year, seven years after 9-11, are we asking for a list of all passengers on an airplane before it departs from another nation. Our ports only inspect less than 5% of all imported goods. We are so unprepared that we cannot even care for the people devastated by Katrina.

Those candidates for president never even discuss this issue. They prefer to discuss issues that impact a minority of our citizens. How many are faced with the issue of abortion or health care?

Will any candidates or the current president ever confront this issue? Sorry to say it but it’s doubtful.

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