Friday, August 3, 2007

An Unpleasant Reality

I was born to Jewish parents and had a Bar Mitzvah at age 13. As an adult I am neither a Zionist nor a religious Jew. My view of being Jewish is being part of the social Jewish order. Perhaps that is a tribe but I like to think of Jews as being part of a nationality that was changed in name to Israeli in the 20th century. The group also has its own religion and as a result it is unique. After all, what other nation has its own religion? So I care about the survival of Judaism as much as Italians in America or Koreans in America care about their ancestors in their native lands.

Jews, as a group, have adopted American values as much as any group could. There are exceptions but they are a very small group. Jews have adopted the attitude of Western Europe and America in regards to birth rate. We simply have a low birth rate. That unpleasant reality dooms a Jewish state. Israel as a Jewish state will come to an end between 2020 and 2050 unless there is a dramatic increase in the birth rate of Israeli Jews.

The Arab Muslin population of Israel is growing at the rate of 5% a year. The Jewish population of Israel is growing at the rate of 3% a year at best. I have researched this on the web a dozen times and have read many articles on this subject. Every one has stated the same or similar conclusions. An example is the . Their 2003 article states that the birth rate among Arabs is twice that of Jews. has a 2004 article titled “Will Israel Become an Arab State?” You do your own investigation by entering the search words “Israeli birth rate” and you will realize that all the Arabs have to do is be patient and Israel will be theirs.

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